As for the next game (Wonderful Sonja) I havent created the topic here JUST YET because I am having STRUGGLES with Unity. For now, I just want to find time TO ANSWER EVERYONE here since the day I've replied! I DON'T WANT to let this thread still 'abandoned' (I want to share ideas). And I do know that some people from Polygon and other sites in fact loved the game! But due to the taboo, they refrained to express what they think.
Soooo expect the game to have official updates, like the so awaited butt sizes. The good news: I have talked 'for hours and hours and hours' with friends about the case (they're from LOK and F95) who told me that they can help me to code the game, as the game was NOT made by only one person, but from most of US. Perhaps they aren't interested by defending a freeware adult parody game at all. The bad news is that NO ONE from EEF or other legal sites answered me YET. NEWS (1): I wish, at heart, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy Full 2021 year! For me, 2020 was one of the WORST years of my life, not only due from problems with PUT but relatives getting COVID, my job killing me, and such.